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Georgia Mining Foundation
Endowment Scholarship Essay Questions

Please select three of the following eight questions and write a short essay on each.  The essay must not exceed one page in length per question and must be typed.

  1. Why are minerals important in every day life?
  2. What is your perception of the correlation between a safe environment and the minerals industry?
  3. Should the United States harvest its own minerals or import them?
  4. What do you think is our greatest freedom?
  5. How can the minerals industry improve the public's image regarding a safe environment?
  6. What renewable sources (solar, biomass, etc.) can be used to replace nonrenewable minerals?
  7. Do you believe that the current state of the world is in an ecological crisis?  If so, what is your perception  of this crisis, and what solutions would you offer?
  8. What ideas from your intended field of study could improve the minerals industry?

Download the essay questions:
2024 Howard Brantley Endowment Scholarship Essay Questions.pdf


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